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Weekly Prayers of and for the Community and World

The following people have requested your prayer consideration:

Cindy & Elroy; Cynthia C; Judy F; Gary G; Ahmad H & family; Dennis K;

Donna K; Don & Vicki; Kari K; Colleen M; Marjorie M; Katja R; Colette S;

Pastor Kristen Steele; Colin F; June V-C; Gloria; Susana; Annie; Zack; Sonja; Pastor Diana Edis; the family of Iris Johnsen;  family of Alice Heiman; family of Anne Hughes

Prayer Request

Contact Pastor Terry for prayer request

Thanks for submitting!
Weekly Prayers of the People

With the Spirit of Christ shining upon us, let us boldly pray for the church, the world, and all of creation.


You call us by name and form us. We give thanks for the gift of baptism. Nurture the baptized and equip people sent to proclaim the good news. We pray for We pray for Bishop Kathy Martin; for the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Peru & President Ofelia Davila; for the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod & Bishop Mike Reinhardt; and LaCrosse Area Synod, Wisconsin & Bishop Felix Malpica 

God of grace, receive our prayer.


Your voice sounds over the waters. Speak words of healing over the rivers and lakes, seas and oceans. Heeding your voice, lead us to care for water, and the land and creatures it nourishes. Protect the fire fighters and first responders who battle fire and its terrible effects in California. Be with those suffering the loss of homes and all they had.

God of grace, hear our prayer.


You give strength to your people. Uphold all who serve the common good. Guide federal and provincial legislators, city and town council officials, judges and juries. Strengthen our resolve to serve all in need. God of grace, hear our prayer.


You are with us in challenging times. Draw near to all who are ill, undergoing treatment, or recovering from surgery. Accompany individuals and families affected by addiction or mental health challenges. Uphold each person as your beloved.

God of grace, hear our prayer.


You draw us into community. Embolden ministries of racial reconciliation, nurture work on behalf of immigrants and refugees, and equip each to use their gifts for the sake of neighbors near and far.

God of grace, hear our prayer.


You grant us peace. Comfort all who grieve. Dwell with us in this life and, at the last, join us with the saints whom you have created, formed, and named.

God of grace, hear our prayer.


We entrust our prayers to you, O God, in the sure and certain hope that your promise is revealed among the people.


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